Thursday, June 11, 2009

What Have We Consumed Thus Far?

In running a program like this, the conversations always turn to "so how much does a crowd like this consume?" For those of you following the story, I thought I'd share some fun facts with you.

Thus Far, We Have Consumed:

2,660 Meals (about 1,064,000 Calories)
3,600 Bottles of Water
2,304 Cans of Soda
36 Gallons of Juice
18 Gallons of Milk
6,542 Cups of coffee
1,492 Bags of Chips, Candy Bars, Snacks
27lbs of Hot Tamales, Skittles, Gold Fish, M&M’s

Calorie Consumption in the First 10 Days:

Juice & Milk: 86,800 Calories
Soda: 133,920 Calories
Snack Consumption: 658,732 Calories
Meals: 1,064,000 Calories

Total Calories: Approaching 2,000,000 Calories Consumed.

Favorite Snacks:
Fruit Snacks, Hot Tamales, Gold Fish, Skittles and Peanut M&M's.

Favorite Beverage:
Coke Zero, Coffee and Red Bull

If you want to see our photo library, you may do so at

Michael Burcham
Faculty Director, Accelerator 2009

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